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Om van een model een restfull API te maken, voeg de volgende controller toe:


namespace app\controllers;

use yii\rest\ActiveController;

class ApiController extends ActiveController {
    public $modelClass = 'app\models\<Model_Naam>';


In de browser krijg je XML terug, test via Postman en je ziet dat je JSON terug krijgt.


Of plaats zelf een controller in
class HiscoresController extends Controller
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function behaviors()
        return [
            'verbs' => [
                'class' => VerbFilter::className(),
                'actions' => [

                'class' => '\yii\filters\Cors',
                    'cors' => [
                    'Origin' => ['*'],
                    'Access-Control-Request-Method' => ['GET', 'POST'],
                    'Access-Control-Request-Headers' => ['*'],

    public static function allowedDomains()
        return [
            // '*',                        // star allows all domains

    public function beforeAction($action) 
        $this->enableCsrfValidation = false; 
        return parent::beforeAction($action); 
  	public function actionApiPost()
        Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response:: FORMAT_JSON;
        $hiscore = new Hiscores();
        $hiscore->scenario = Hiscores::SCENARIO_CREATE;
        $hiscore->attributes = yii::$app->request->post();
      	if($hiscore->validate()) {
        } else {
           return array('status'=>false,'data'=>$hiscore->getErrors(), 'post'=>yii::$app->request->post(), 'get'=>yii::$app->request->get() );
    public function actionApiGet() {
      $sql = "select id, name, score, datetime, ip from hiscores order by score desc";
      $result = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
      return json_encode(['data'=>$result]); // of json_encode([$result);
    public function actionIndex()
      ... // hieronder de standaard code